Monday, December 05, 2005


  • Every minute someone new in the US is creating their own Blog.
  • The US Government was paying Carnival Cruise Lines $1,44o a week to house evacuee's from Hurricane Katrina, while a typical fare for a week on the same liner costs $450 with five stops in the Caribean.
  • Laziness is the most sickening non-disease to witness when it is around you, especially when the person in question is gaining close to three pounds a day and farting and snoring all the time in the room in which you have to share with them, and when he decides to get up he switches on his Gangsta Rap at volume levels of ten to join his apathetic crooners in berating the white man.
  • The brilliant Editorial by L.Lapham in this months 'Harpers' compares GWB and his cronies to the likes of the spoiled celebutantes that glut every magazine cover and gossip column in regards to getting what they want when they want it and sparing no one any clearance from the wrath of destruction that lays in their wake.

Friday, December 02, 2005

For the love of....

"Real World: Queens, NY"
A couple of little tidbits regarding the Halfway House I'm currently in. Every week on Friday we get $23.35 cold hard cash. Where this figure comes from and who it comes from, I haven't a clue, but it is issued to us non-workers of the house weekly until we start a job. The window which disperses this cash opens at 8am and if you ever wanted to see a group of neer do well addicts set every alarm clock in the house on Thursday Night, you should be present for this. Some of us are not allowed to work yet (me) because you need to have been residing at the house a month before you can seek gainful employment (I have been working anyway).
Now; some people, you have to understand, have neither the proverbial piss or the pot so this 23 dollar 'manna from heaven' is all they have. In NYC, this can not even buy you a weekly MetroCard (to seek employment) or help you buy some cigarettes and stop grubbing from the likes of me. (Ciggs. are about $6.50 a pack for Generics here in NYC).
This morning I came down @ about 8:06 am. We are supposed to be out of our rooms from 8am to 4pm on weekdays and at this time the breakfast room is usually packed with everyone drinking coffee and Bullshitting about the same Bullshit topic they had left off on the night before and I am forced to hear the cacophony of inane banter and loud ass Rap Bullshit and people sucking the raisin Bran out of their teeth etcetera. Wow! It must be Friday indeed. The State Funded recipients started filing back into the cafeteria in Dribs and Drabs with Booty purchased from their new found windfall. Two people came back with Mickey D's (no relation) Big Breakfasts (approx. 5 bucks each), and another beaut came back with 6 'Win for Life' Lotto Cards which are $2 each, I believe. That's 12 bucks, more than half his weekly income spent in 6 minutes on a far fetched pipe dream. It's fucking crazy.

Does anyone reading this happen to know Miss Lauper? I have the greatest song in mind for her to remake and I would like to pass it along to her. Thanks