Friday, February 18, 2005


I'd hate to be the Mailman: "Toads turning dogs into junkies"

This is for the "Every Breath You Take" remix: Puffy sued for advance sans book.

Cocktail waitresses at Atlantic City's Borgata Casino will be suspended if the gain up to 7 % in body fat.

I don't know if you've seen some of the commercials for A&E's upcoming show "Intervention" but the show looks kinda disturbing. It may hit too close to home based on some of things I've put myself through. (no link avail.)

You can't make this up department. This guy was working with a group to curtail crystal meth. within the gay community. He got busted with intent to sell...police found ounces of it in his apartment along with gallons of GHB .

1 comment:

Alexis du Bois said...

Perhaps the dogs were just looking for their Prince Charming. That was a gem!